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Alewife Comments

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User: protacanthopterix
Comment: Anadromous Alewife are desireable to have; they are native to Connecticut and they are one of the reasons Striped bass are here in the first place. Stocking them into streams such as the Naugatuck River will re-establish their spawning run, hopefully. Landlocked Alewives can be a nuisance if unmanaged and these are the Alewives that people are afraid of. Alewives compete for the same food source as Kokanee salmon and Rainbow smelt, but reproduce WAY faster and will quickly out-compete these fish and will affect the population demographics of other species (such as fewer, but BIGGER bass). I would argue, though, that Alewives have as much right to a Connecticut lake as Rainbow smelt, and way more right than a Kokanee salmon; a native to the Pacific Basin.
Date: 10/06/11 04:17 AM

User: shawn123
Comment: Landlocked Alewife are a nuisance species in Connecticut and are forcing out native fish.
Date: 09/01/11 06:00 PM

User: stratos1966
Comment: Looking for BIG bass in the N.E? Look for lakes that have Alewives present.
Date: 07/20/11 08:13 AM

User: hansel
Comment: the only reason i now about them is because we use them as bait for salmon up here in MI
Date: 01/26/11 01:13 PM

User: davetroy
Comment: Remember, the alewife is protected under the Anadromous Fish Conservation Act. Alewife numbers decreased throughout the 1800's and the first half of the 1900's due to pollution and dams. The restoration efforts begun in the 1960's have helped to restore these populations. However, alewives have become very popular as bait and food and are easily netted in large quantities during spawning runs. Some runs have decreased recently due to over-fishing. Striped bass, as predators, may also be taking a toll on numbers.
Date: 05/19/10 04:56 PM

User: bullshark
Comment: That's interesting
Date: 08/12/09 04:47 PM

User: diggadave24
Comment: the 2008 stocking report says they put 500 in the naugatuck river in seymour? i dont get it?
Date: 04/24/09 04:59 PM

User: jrrose
Comment: Alewife's where in live in southwest virginia are the favorite baitfish in all the local lakes
Date: 03/30/08 06:54 PM

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